We can't wait to meet you!

When you enter our building, you will be greeted by our Hospitality Team. They will be happy to help you with anything you may need! Our Sunday morning gatherings typically last from 10:00 AM until 11:30 AM, and they are full of edifying testimonies, solid teaching from the Bible, and genuine, authentic worship in song.

On a more logistical side of things, visitor parking is located in the front of our church on E Park Street. We will have a gift bag for you at the Visitor's Table in the front foyer, as well as free coffee in the Café area of the Worship Center.  If you are bringing children with you, someone from our Hospitality Team will be glad to walk you back to our Bridge Kids Jr. area where you'll be assisted in getting your children checked in for childcare!

We want to love and care for your children while you attend worship services! As we love and care for your children, we also want to help instruct them in God’s Word. Bridge Kids Jr. is where we share the wonderful first truths of the Gospel and God’s Word with your children!

Currently, our 10 AM Sunday morning childcare is equipped for ages 4-months through Kindergarten.

Songs We'll Sing

Interested in seeing what we songs we sing during our worship services?Check out our Spotify Playlist. This is a great way to learn new songs
and worship the Lord throughout the week!


Should I arrive early before the service starts?
Our doors open at 9:30 a.m., and you are welcome to come early to grab coffee, meet a staff member, or register your kids for childcare.
When did Bridge get started?
Bridge Church was started in 2010 by 35 members coming from Emmanuel Baptist of Blackshear, First Baptist Blackshear, Hoboken Baptist, and Patterson Baptist. First Baptist Blackshear led by Pastor Bill Young affirmed Chris Roberts’ calling to start the church in 2010. Pastor Mike Stone from EBC nominated Bridge to become a member of the Piedmont / Okefenokee Baptist Association in 2011. Bridge Church purchased the property of 419 Main Street in 2010. We have gathered at three campuses in Blackshear: Lollipop Day Care Center (2010), 123 Sreda Street (2011), Warehouse 419 / 419 Main Street (2012 – Present).  
How large is Bridge Church?
Bridge Church has an active membership of over 140 families. We have a ministry relationship with over 500 people. Our families come from Pierce, Appling, Bacon, Brantley, & Ware Counties. Our children are in a variety of school settings: Brantley, Pierce, Ware School Systems, as well as home school & local Christian schools.  
How do I become a member of Bridge Church?
  1. You must have a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord & Savior. 
  2. You must have experienced believer’s baptism (by immersion).   
  3. You must meet with leadership at Bridge to go over expectations as a member and for us to answer any questions you may have.
If you would like to speak with one of our pastors about church membership, click here to let them know! They will be in touch with you soon.
What is the Leadership Structure at Bridge?
Bridge Church has a “congregational-style” government. This means that the membership works together to discern the Lord’s direction for the church. There is no outside entity that influences the church. There is no one person/team within the church that makes all decisions for the church. We have four entities within Bridge Church partnering together to discern the Lord’s direction: Elders, Leadership Council, Ministry Teams, and Members.
Who is the Pastor at Bridge?
From our Pastor, Chris Roberts:
I was born and raised in Pierce County, Georgia. I was privileged to be raised in a Christian home where I was introduced to the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ at a young age. I trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at the age of six and was then baptized at First Baptist Church Blackshear where I was a member until graduating from PCHS in 1997. My teenage years were spent being heavily involved with family, church, sports, hunting, and our family business (Western Auto).  

After high school, I spent the next six years living in Valdosta and Athens, Georgia while attending college. It was during these years that I had the privilege of being discipled through the Baptist Collegiate Ministry at Valdosta State and Prince Avenue Baptist Church in Athens. I surrendered to the call of ministry in 2000 and began serving as the Youth & Children’s Pastor at East Athens Baptist Church in 2001 after graduation from UGA.

I met my wife, Kami, while in college. We were married in 2002 and have enjoyed 22 years of marriage. Kami is originally from Hoboken and graduated from UGA as well.
We have always partnered in ministry since the day we met. We have 3 sons & 1 daughter: Joshua (19), Kellen (16), Emma (10), and Allen (7). The Lord has given us the privilege of being a part of 3 adoption stories: Joshua (Russia), Emma & Allen (Foster Care), while Kellen is a good blend of his mama and daddy.

In 2003, God gave Kami and I the wonderful opportunity to come home and serve as the Student Pastor at First Baptist Blackshear. We served at First from 2003 – 2009. I am thankful for the loving congregation God gave me at FBC. He used my home church to help me grow into the minister He was calling me to be. I am grateful for the support that FBC showed me as we began the new work of Bridge Church in 2010.  

My hobbies are whatever my family is doing, the Georgia Bulldogs, and enjoying a good movie. I completed my training in Pastoral Ministry at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. I love Bridge Church and what God is doing through the people within this congregation. I see it as a privilege to be their pastor!

Life Verses:  
  • John 17:3 - “This is eternal life, that you may know God the Father and His Son, Jesus!”
  • Galatians 1:10 - “Am I now trying to seek the approval of men or of God? For if I’m trying to seek the approval of man, I am not a follower of Christ!” 
  • Matthew 28:19-20 - “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 


419 Main Street
Blackshear, GA 31516

Sunday Gathering
10:00 AM


Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 4:30pm