
Interested in joining our Bridge Family?

The Christian life is meant to be lived in community with other Christians in the context of the local church. Becoming a church member creates a stronger sense of ownership and commitment to that body of believers. It opens up more opportunities for service, and it allows for you to really be cared for and ministered to as part of that family. We want to be a support to you as you seek God's guidance in this area of your life. If you believe Bridge is the church God is leading you to join, we would love to talk with you more about this!

To become a member of Bridge Church, the following three things are required:

You must have a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord & Savior.

You must have experienced believer’s baptism by immersion.

You must meet with leadership at Bridge to go over expectations as a member (See our Mission & Values) and for us to answer any questions you may have!

To set up a time to meet with someone on leadership about membership at Bridge, you can reach out to that person directly, or submit this form below: