Burdens for the Community - Part 2 Amos 4-6 (Notes) Passages for Reference Amos 4-6 Matthew 10:28 Romans 6:23 Mark 1:14-18 Matthew 7:21-23 Acts 11:28 2 Timothy 2:25 Ezekiel 36:26-27 2 Corinthian 7:8-13 God's Judgement was coming because of..... 1. Greed/Self-Indulgence at the expense of the needy. 2. Idol worship over the One True God. 3. Ignoring God - Hard Heart Final judgement is waiting for all those that rebel against God. Repentance is the first step from being saved from ourselves. The God that waits to deliver wrath is providing mercy today. God's Judgement was also coming because of ...... 4. Rejection of Justice 5. Rejection of Truth Obedience over religious routine is fruit of the True Gospel - "Follow Me". Professions of faith without walking in faith set up people with a false sense of security. False sense of security leads to complacency & pride. Burden for the Community #2: Pray for God to grant repentance to our community. Repentance is ...... 1. The first word of the gospel. 2. A command from God. 3. Also a gift from God.